Tuesday, September 8, 2015

hate to label this a Transformation Tuesday pic because I'm still a work in progress! I bought this dress to wear at Summit 2009 and it didn't fit! My sister got married on the beach on 10/10/10 and it fit...barely! Dusted it off last year and it fit good! This year it's starting to get loose! Also, look at the changes in my face and arms! Even more than that though is what you can't see is how much more happy and confident I am! getting comfortable enough in my own skin that now I can turn the camera on myself and share my journey on social media! I'm taking charge of my life and even have my own business! I'm absolutely shining from the inside out! I recently saw Comedian Nicole Barbour's video rant about fat shaming, and although she does slip in the statement that some people may have medical reasons for being fat, she still doesn't have a clue! Trust me I've been at both ends of the scale, when I was young I was a skinny little nothing, I could eat whatever I wanted to Because I was active and had amazing metabolism. As I got older, had two kids, for went through a bad divorce and a move that I didn't want to make and then fell into depression and food became my best friend. I found Beachbody while watching an infomercial at 2 am probably while eating a half gallon of ice cream or a bag of popcorn. At that time I had no clue that I was getting so much more than a workout! What I got was an amazing support from strangers and before long some of them became friends in real life and still support me today! I began to workout, eat better and get back into life I lost 70 lbs and I even ran the 210 New York City Marathon! Then I had surgery, and lost my dad and before before I knew it the weight some of the weight was creeping back on. Diagnosed in 2013 with Sjögren's Syndrome, an auto-immune disease. Some of the symptoms include fatigue and joint pain and everyday is an adventure. Someday I'm feeling amazing then there's days that I'm down for the count, but I never give up! The point is before you judge keep in mind they we are all a journey and for some of us it may take longer then others so please be kind. For those of you who are just starting out or are still on your journey please do not give up! Keep going you'll never know what you can accomplish in just a few years! If you don't have a support system I'd be happy to remind you how amazing you are and there's nothing you can't accomplish!

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